Super exciting show this one!
Cape Town's lovely Beatenberg are coming for a visit up north and as a part of a pretty extensive tour, the unbeatable Ri Botha has put together something really special! I can quite safely say this has to be one of the most excellent lineup's I've been lucky enough to be a part of all year!
Joining the Cape Town Trio, Ri has enlisted the super power's of SMAC-darling Vampire9000 and genre-warping art-machine known as The Brother Moves On! The lineup will be completed by Ri spinning a set under his Plaat Japie moniker, plus DJ-goodness from A Million things and your's truly!
I can not stress enough how good a show this is going to be!
Interesting side note: almost to the day, this party will correspond to my DJ-birthday! 7 years ago, somewhere in late October 2005, I played my first DJ set alongside my dear friend; Riaan Botha. This debut Sass-set was at a Secret Party in a now dead venue called the Horror Cafe, a space that, after some changes over the years is now called Shikisha and just happens to be where we'll be having this particular grand old time come Saturday night! So, not only is this gonna be a gig of most wonderful proportions, it will also be a very very apt DJ birthday for this old Sassquatch. Happy birthday to me!