Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Looking Up is not enough.

So my weekend of show mania has come and gone, and what an awesome weekend it was.

Unfortunately total exhaustion made me miss out on the Tutus launch, which I heard was super fun. The Tings and Bo shows were way cool though, I really am feeling an awesome energy in the African air at the moment. I think it's becuase we're coming out of this apocalyptic cold winter that kids really just wanna rock out.

But now that I've watched these shows and checked The Urban Electric, Oppikoppi and City Slickers off my "to do list" and caught my breath, I can start trying to catch up on the awesomeness that went down a little over a month ago when I flew to the UK.

To simplify things I can break the awesomeness of my trip into 6 main sections.

1. Anja.
2. T in the park.
3. Gigs in London.
4. The Sense Summer Art Fair.
5. Visiting Birmingham (AKA it's weird how life works out ptII).
6. Awesome stuff I bought or got given.

Conveniently I'll doing separate posts on each of these packets of awesomeness. Hopefully I'll be able to get through all 6 so I can get onto catching up on writing about the cool stuff that went down before I left, and then do the same for the surprisingly massive amount of awesomeness that's gone down in the short time I've been back.

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